
Rules for Publication

  • Articles should flow with a smooth transition from one paragraph to the next. The papers submitted for the conference are required to meet the criteria to be accepted for publication in the conference proceedings.
  • Papers which are not approved by the scientific committee will not be published in the conference proceedings.
  • Each paper can only be published in one issue.
  • Professors who have not submitted their abstracts will not demand the right of publication in the abstract book.
  • The maximum page numbers are 15 for full papers. Please make sure that papers should include the rules of spelling Apr 6.0 Ape 6.0 Orthography and Citations Format.
  • The articles submitted for presentation / publication at our conference must not have been submitted / published elsewhere. It is assumed that this rule has been accepted by all authors. In case this rule is disobeyed, the conference committee reserves its legal rights to the relevant author(s). In the event of any negligence that may arise, all material and moral responsibility shall be with the respective author(s) concerned.

The submitted conference papers are subject to double blind peer review. The papers will be reviewed by the steering committee first and experienced reviewers around the world. The feedback will be communicated to the authors within stipulated time. The acceptance or rejection of papers decision made by the steering committee/reviewers will be final.
All the conference abstract will be published in conference proceedings and selected full papers will be published after a second peer reviewing round in associated journals.